Bone graft for dental implant

Dental implants are the gold standard when it comes to replacing missing teeth. They’re extremely stable and integrate seamlessly with bone tissue, plus they offer the same functionality as natural teeth do.

A routine dental implant involves the placement of a titanium implant that holds a fixed tooth or bridge/denture. The implant fuses to the bone in a couple of months.

This is an ideal scenario when patients have enough bone density for a dental implant supported dental treatment. In a less than ideal scenario, bone density is not enough to support dental implants.

While in the past the lack of enough bone density was a disqualifying factor for dental implants, today bone augmentation or bone grafting can help supplement missing bone tissue.

There are various methods to achieve bone replacement, the most common ones include:

  • Bone grafting material (Bio-Oss);
  • Bone replacement from jaw;
  • Bone replacement from hip;
  • Bone replacement from fibula flap.

All these procedures are available at dental clinics in Budapest, therefore, if you have bone deficiency and want dental implants, you can opt for affordable dental bone grafting in Budapest.

Dental Bone Augmentation with Bone Grafting Material

Bio-Oss is the leading bone substitute used in regenerative dentistry. The Bio-Oss particles are incorporated within living bone, offering enough volume over time to hold dental implants.

Bone replacement and bone ossification takes 4-6 months and another 3-4 months are required for dental implant integration, after which fixed teeth or fixed dentures are placed.

Bone deficiency can appear both in the upper jaw or lower jaw, both of which can be replaced with bone grafting material.

Bone Replacement from Jaw

When bone deficiency is more advanced and using bone grafting material is not enough, the bone harvested from the patient’s jaw is an alternative solution.

In this case ossification takes 6 months, after which the procedure follows the same steps as in the case of bone supplementation with bone grafting.

Harvesting of the bone from the jaw is done under general or local anaesthesia, therefore, the patient won’t feel any pain. Recovery time is 1-2 weeks.

Bone Replacement from Hips

When bone grafting material and sourcing bone replacement from the jaw are not enough, sourcing bone from the hips is another solution to extensive bone deficiency.

The bone harvesting surgery takes about 3 hours and it’s carried out under general anaesthesia. Recovery is longer, 2-3 weeks and sensitivity can be felt both in the donor area and in the host area.

After recovery, everything else follows the same procedure as in the cases described above.

Bone Replacement from Fibula Flap

This method is used in mandibular reconstruction, when larger segments of bone are required (1-5 cm). The fibula is a more abundant source; therefore, it’s used in larger reconstruction surgeries.

The harvesting is done under general anaesthesia and the procedure takes about 3-5 hours. Recovery time is 3-4 weeks and sensitivity will be felt in both the donor and host area.

In each case, general anaesthesia is preceded by mandatory laboratory tests, ECG and chest X-ray. Bone replacement from hips and fibula flap are done under hospital conditions.

Final Thoughts

As you can see, bone density issues can be solved by harvesting bone tissue from other parts of the body. This ensures high success rates as the patient’s own bone is used.

Budapest is at the forefront of dental reconstruction surgeries; therefore, you can opt for highly advanced dental bone grafting procedures in one of Budapest’s dental clinics.