SmileWarp – Maintaining Your Original Smile

SmilewarpSmileWarp is a novelty in the field of cosmetic dentistry and it’s inspired by the principles that guide gene banks and stem cells – to store or preserve a state of our organism in case that we may need it in the future.

What is SmileWarp?

SmileWarp is a digital mapping of your original teeth, which can be used to recreate your natural smile should you ever need teeth replacements or dental reconstruction in the future.

This technology has important implications in the fields of dental prosthetics, implantology and orthodontics. It allows a more in-depth planning for future events that may influence the original characteristic of your face.

How Does It Work?

In order to digitally preserve your smile with SmileWarp, you’ll need to make an appointment with a dental practice where SmileWarp is available.

A prerequisite of the procedure is for patients to have had a dental hygiene treatment in the past 3 months to make sure that there is no plaque or tartar on your teeth.

At your appointment, your dentist will create photos of you and your teeth, after which an impression will be taken of your teeth.

Photos of your teeth together with the impression of your teeth will be sent to the SmileWarp laboratory, where a lab technician examines the impression and makes a cast of it, then digitises everything with a 3D scanner.

After the process of digitally storing your smile, you will receive your registration details, which you can use to access the SmileWarp website.

Your digital smile will be stored and accessible for 20 years. During this time, you may download your data at any time and share it with your dentist.

Who Is SmileWarp Recommended For?

Anyone who is happy with their original teeth and wants to preserve the shape, aspect, colour, and other features of their teeth can benefit from the digital storage of these data.

An important category of people that can particularly benefit from having their smile digitally stored are people working in professions where good looks and aesthetics are important such as actors, models, singers, business people, etc.

Likewise, people working in professions in which accidents that can affect their teeth are more likely to happen – athletes, people practicing extreme sports, rugby players, stunt performers, etc. – can also benefit from SmileWarp.

In short, everyone who wants to preserve details of the current state of their teeth can make an appointment to create a digital map of their teeth.

How Can SmileWarp Help in The Future?

There are various dental treatments in which your digitally stored smile can become useful, particularly in instances that require tooth restoration procedures.

Whenever you will need a tooth restored, a dental implant, a periodontal treatment, or total dental reconstruction, SmileWarp can offer a map to your original teeth, which can be invaluable in helping your dentist to recreate them.

If you want to avail of the benefits of SmileWarp, you can make an appointment at our clinic in Budapest and get access to the newest innovation in dental prosthetics prevention.