What happens when you lose a tooth?

Missing tooth - What happens if you lose a tooth?Losing a temporary tooth or a baby tooth is no big deal, after all, your permanent teeth are still coming in. Losing one of your permanent teeth, however, is a whole different story.

Since you don’t have new teeth growing in after losing a permanent tooth – whether it happens accidentally, as a result of an underlying disease, or through careful extraction at the dentist – replacement becomes necessary.

In this article, we discuss the consequences of losing your teeth and what should you do if it happens to you.

Unwanted Consequences of Losing Your Teeth

Regardless of the reason why you lost a permanent tooth, if the tooth in question is not replaced, there are a few consequences to worry about.

  1. Aesthetics and Discomfort

The first and immediate consequence is aesthetics. There’s a gap in your teeth that may be visible to others and it may affect the way you look and especially the way you feel about yourself.

  1. Loss of Alveolar Bone

Even the missing tooth is not in a visible area, there’s still the matter of chewing functionality or simply the discomfort of not having all of one’s teeth.

However, these consequences may be less important than the bone loss that occurs due to the lack of “stimulation” (through chewing and contact with other teeth) of the alveolar bone that surrounds and supports teeth.

  1. Decrease of Gum Tissue

With loss of alveolar bone, gum tissue also gradually decreases, and the combined effect of all these – especially if more teeth are lost – is an impaired chewing functionality, changes in facial profile and speech impairment.

  1. Bone Resorption

If lost teeth are not replaced, the jawbone itself also starts to resorb causing even more pronounced facial changes like loss of facial height support, hollow cheeks, etc.

So, what are your options if you want to avoid these consequences?

Treatment Options for Lost Teeth

Dental implant for replacing a missing toothThe most natural treatment option if you lose a tooth is getting a dental implant, which fuses perfectly with the jawbone, offers natural chewing functionality and looks a lot like natural teeth.

Another option is to get permanent bridges or removable dentures, which are less expensive than dental implants, but more difficult to keep clean.

Because of the increased costs of dental treatments at home or the long waiting times for certain procedures covered by HSE, many Irish patients decide to seek out the services of dental clinics abroad.

Hungary – Top Destination for Full Mouth Reconstruction

Hungary is the preferred destination of Irish patients in need of teeth restoration services. Budapest is only a few hours away and thanks to low cost airlines, it’s also an affordable destination.

For the same dental procedures that in Ireland cost hundreds or even thousands of euros, treatment at a dental clinic in Budapest is with up to 70% more affordable, without any compromise on quality.

Therefore, if you have lost some or all your teeth and you need access to affordable dental services, don’t hesitate to make an appointment at a dental clinic in Budapest.

And while you’re there, make sure to make the most out of your trip: Take some time to visit the sights, go to a spa, or get to know Budapest!